Dedicated to the memory of:

Lance Corporal

Christopher Keith Lovett 

3rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment

Chris Lovett was born on the 3rd April 1958.

During the battle for Mount Longdon Chris was acting as battalion medic for A Company, during the battle A Company were to occupy an area of high ground code-named ‘Wing Forward’, during this phase of the battle A Company came under intense small arms fire, mortar and artillery fire, several members of A Company were wounded, two fatally, As soon as the first cry of ‘MEDIC’ went up, Chris moved rapidly under intense fire to treat the wounded, dealing with each casualty in his cool, calm and professional manner.

As the battle progressed, at approximately 07.00hrs A Company was ordered to make their way from ‘Wing Forward’ and move to Mount Longdon, with a plan to pass through B Company who had taken heavy casualties.

During the move across Chris was alerted to the fact that a member of B Company Cpl Brian Milne, had lost his leg from below the knee due to a mine strike and was laying in the minefield off to his left, the casualty had lain in freezing conditions for the past six hours, Chris and others agreed to enter the minefield and give assistance, he quickly dealt with Brian, and while he was treating Brian a BV Snowcat vehicle loomed out of the darkness to evacuate Brian, however, as a passenger got out the vehicle he stood on an anti-personnel mine and lost a foot, and a number of other people who’d been assisting received blast injuries, Chris quickly treated them all.

Chris and this small group now cautiously made their way out of the minefield and eventually reached the Regimental Aid Post on the North West corner of Mount Longdon, from here he was directed to the 1st Bowl and in pitch darkness made his way along the Northern side of Mount Longdon, he quickly climbed up to the 1st Bowl, where he was he was met by B Company CSM John Weeks. 

CSM John Weeks:
During this phase, we now had the assistance of an extra medic, LCpl Chris Lovett from A Company, who came up to me and said in a courteous manner, “Sir, I understand you’ve got casualties. I’m a medic from A Company, can I help?” I replied, “Yes, just get stuck in.” He then attached himself to us and gave us some much-needed help.

Chris now teamed up with his good friend and fellow medic Cpl Phil Probets, and together they began dealing with the wounded.

LCpl Lenny Carver:
Then Chris Lovett joined us and said reassuringly, “Alright mate, don’t worry you’re in safe hands now; we’ll sort you out; we can’t give you any morphine because you might be gut shot.” I said, “I’m not gut shot honestly.” Chris repeated that he couldn’t, and I said “OK, no worries.” Chris dealt with the wound to my side; he dressed it and then moved on to my back to deal with the exit wound. He then said, “Shit, that`s quite big.” I could feel him touching my back; he seemed to be pulling my wound back together. I am not sure, but it felt like he had safety pinned my back together. There was a wave of pain, which went right through my body, and I passed out.

Cpl Graham Heaton:
I was sitting with my back against the rocks, standing by me were CSM Johnny Weeks and Captain Logan. I was receiving treatment from Chris Lovett when he said, “Graham, I`ll be back in a minute – I’m just going to get some shell dressings out of my Bergen.” At that moment there was a huge flash and an explosion.


Image (top left) and information courtesy of Jimmy O’Connell

Image (top right) courtesy of Donald McDonald


Garden of Remembrance Christopher K Lovett 3rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment

Chris with wife Michelle, with sons Ben & Peter

Chris (pictured centre) with colleagues from 1 Platoon, A Coy, 3 Para in Crossmaglen, Northern Ireland, 1976. *Picture Courtesy of Donald McDonald*

In 2022, as part of the 40th Anniversary commemorations, geographical features were identified and named after the fallen of 1982.   LOVETT BAY is a bay on the west side of Shallow Bay, West Falkland.

It is in position
51° 24′ 16.82″ S, 060° 00′ 56.99″ W