Dedicated to the memory of:

Leading Cook

Tony Marshall

HMS Sheffield

Tony was born on 3 January 1951.

HMS Sheffield sailed from Portsmouth on November 19th, 1981 for a patrol in the Arabian Gulf. After taking part in a major Mediterranean exercise, and four days before her planned return to Portsmouth, the ship was diverted to the South Atlantic on April 2nd, 1982, within hours of the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands. While on forward radar picket duty about 70 miles south and east of Stanley, on Sunday May 4th, the Type 42 destroyer was struck amidships by an Exocet missile fired from Argentine Naval Super Etendard aircraft. The missile’s warhead failed to explode, but the resulting fires quickly spread, and the ship had to be abandoned.

Tony was among 20 who died in the attack. Only the body of Petty Officer David Briggs DSM was recovered; the rest lie in the ship, now a registered war grave at the position 53-04’S 56-56’W, where she sank on May 9th, whilst under tow.

My Dad,

40 years since he was killed in the Falklands War which unfortunately, not many people remember nowadays. I will never forget, a loss, that has never healed for me. Life has & will never be the same for my mum and I. It broke us. My brother turned 40 this year & was born 16/6/1982 so him & my dad never met. My dad would he so proud of the man he has become, with a wife and 2 children. I also have 3 children, mine are all grown up now and my dad is now a great grandad to a beautiful little girl. I’ve told them as much as I can remember. My dad will always be a big missing part of my heart & life. When he died, he took a big piece of mine and my mums heart. It changed us completely but he is and always will be a big part of me & my life that I will always miss. Always wonder what it would of been like, having him here, with every stage of my life, seeing your grandchildren & the family that has developed from you & my mum. Love you dad GBNF xxx

Maria Nesbitt


I remember Tony  very well, we served together at Flag Officer Gibraltar at the Mount in 1977/1978, Tony a L/Cook and me been a Steward, he was a excellent Cook and went around to his house a number of times for meals. With  his wife and Daughter spent many a  time on Eastern Beach in Gib, When we are on the same shift he used to give me a lift in his Triumph Herald. Great Oppo, family man and cook.

Sorry to the family for their Loss.

Martin (Brum ) O´Flynn


Family and friends are encouraged to contribute.

We will add information to this memorial as we receive it.

If you have a photo, an anecdote, or simply to say you remember him, we will be very pleased to hear from you, so please contact the sama office at [email protected] 

In 2022, as part of the 40th Anniversary commemorations, geographical features were identified and named after the fallen of 1982.   MARSHALL POINT is located at the south entrance point to Long Creek, on the south coast of Weddell Island, West Falkland.

It is in position
51° 56′ 29.68″ S, 061° 04′ 24.95″ W