Dedicated to the memory of:


Stephen Ronald Prior

2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment

Stephen Ronald Prior was born on 10 September 1954 in Brighton, East Sussex to parents Ronald and Rita Prior, the fifth of seven siblings. He was educated locally at Lower Bevendean Infant and Junior Schools, then Westlain Grammar School, leaving with a number of O-levels aged 16.

Stephen joined the British Army around 1973 and proudly became a member of the 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment.  He was on leave when news broke of the Argentinian invasion of the Falkland Islands and immediately prepared to return to the regimental barracks at Aldershot, telling the family that the Paras would be ‘the first to go in’.

He was subsequently killed by sniper fire while attempting and succeeding (in the company of his close friend and colleague Corporal David Abols), to drag and rescue A Company colleague Private Worrall, badly wounded and in great agony, to a place of safety. 

‘Stevie’ died during the great battle of Goose Green serving with A Company, led by Major Dair Farrar-Hockley MC (now Major-General, retired) on 28 May 1982, aged 27 years.

Cpl Prior is buried at Aldershot Military Cemetery.

Image & information courtesy of

Information provided to Paradata by Bob Prior.


Family and friends are encouraged to contribute.

We will add information to this memorial as we receive it.

If you have a photo, an anecdote, or simply to say you remember him, we will be very pleased to hear from you, so please contact the SAMA82 office at [email protected]

In 2022, as part of the 40th Anniversary commemorations, geographical features were identified and named after the fallen of 1982.   PRIOR CREEK is located on the east side of Shag Rookery Point.

It is in position
51° 50′ 35.26″ S, 059° 26′ 58.78″ W