Dedicated to the memory of:


Anthony John Tidman Rundle

HMS Fearless

Anthony, from Cheadle in Cheshire was born on 1st September 1955.

He died when the Landing Craft Utility ‘Foxtrot Four’ was bombed and sunk in Choiseul Sound on 8th June 1982.

Information courtesy of


Dave Kenwright

I was PO35726L Cpl David Kenwright a serving Royal Marine when the Falklands war broke out. At this time, I was nearing the end of my Junior Command Course at CTCRM Lymstone in Devon. It is probably for this reason I never had to go to the Falklands and being an instructor at Royal Marines Poole meant I was not attached to the Commando Brigade who all took part in the war. What has this to do with Marine Rundle you may ask. Well my wife is a physiotherapist employed at The Countess of Chester Hospital in Chester and we have been married for over twenty-six years. We had not been married long when the Falklands conflict broke out and we were living in a married quarter in Poole in Dorset. My wife Diane came home from work recently and asked did I use to know a Marine called Jim Rundle. I said yes straight away, he was killed in the Falklands war along with several of his comrades on a landing craft hit by a missile fired from an Argentine fighter plane Oh she said. I am looking after his dad in hospital at the moment. He is having a knee replacement and has had his operation and doing really well.

It was only by chance that my wife noticed his accent and said you’re not from these parts are you. No, he replied I’m from Cornwall. My wife said to him I used to live in Dorset with my husband when he was in the Royal Marines. He then told my wife that Jim had also been a Royal Marine and was killed in the Falklands. He said he was very proud of Jim and talks about him and thinks of him all the time. I knew Jim and although his first name was Anthony we all referred to him as Big Jim.

He was a fine big fellow well over 6 ft tall and powerfully built. He was a good rugby player and always had a smile on his face. I knew him to have a laugh and a joke with if I met him ashore, and knew his girlfriend who was devastated when she heard of his death. It seems funny after all this time that I should be compelled to write this little note about Jim. I myself have been fortunate to have been able to have a good life and blessed with good health and helped raise a family. I have been very fortunate and had several rewarding careers in the military, police and most recently as a youth worker. Big Jim was a good man and very good at his job. I hope he Johno, Scouse and all rest the rest of the Booties and serviceman killed in action all rest in peace. They will never be forgotten by their old mates and comrades.

(Once a Marine Always a Marine)


Family and friends are encouraged to contribute.

We will add information to this memorial as we receive it.

If you have a photo, an anecdote, or simply to say you remember him, we will be very pleased to hear from you, so please contact the sama office at [email protected] 

In 2022, as part of the 40th Anniversary commemorations, geographical features were identified and named after the fallen of 1982.   RUNDLE ROCKS is a prominent rock outcrop north of Princess Street stone run, East Falkland.

It is in position
51° 36′ 23.01″ S, 058° 06′ 29.23″ W