Dedicated to the memory of:

Lance Corporal

Nigel Robert Smith

2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment

Lance Corporal Nigel Robert Smith served with D Company, 2 PARA.

21 year old L/Cpl Smith was killed by small arms fire along with Corporal Sullivan and Lieutenant Barry whilst attempting to take an Argentine surrender.

L/Cpl Smith is buried at Aldershot Military Cemetery.

Image & information courtesy of

Image kindly supplied to Paradata by Danny Moore


I didn’t know Nigel, but his father, Mike, was a chemistry lab technician and storeman for the Combined Cadet Force at Cheltenham Grammar School, where my dad taught, and I attended from 1980-1988. I joined the cadets in 1983, so after Nigel was killed, but remember that Mike had a black and white photo of Nigel on the wall of the stores as you went in. In the photo Nigel was crouching near bushes in what looked like a small gully, armed with an SLR and wearing his para beret. I’m not sure if he was on exercise or possibly in Northern Ireland somewhere? I remember it being an amazing photo (dead ally!), and Mike was obviously hugely proud of his son. RIP Nigel, not forgotten.

Colin Parsons

Family and friends are encouraged to contribute.

We will add information to this memorial as we receive it.

If you have a photo, an anecdote, or simply to say you remember him, we will be very pleased to hear from you, so please contact the sama office at [email protected] 

In 2022, as part of the 40th Anniversary commemorations, geographical features were identified and named after the fallen of 1982.   SMITH ISLET is located north of Jersey Harbour Islands in White Rock Bay, at the north entrance to Falkland Sound, West Falkland.

It is in position
51° 26′ 40.06″ S, 059° 15′ 04.39″ W