Dedicated to the memory of:

Acting Leading Marine Engineering Mechanic (Mechanical)

David Miller

HMS Fearless

Garden of Remembrance David Miller HMS Fearless

David Miller was born in Thornaby on the 31st December 1959. He was the second child, of which his sister was older than he was, then along came his brother in 1961. He was a son who we were very proud of.

He joined the Stockton Sea Cadets T.S. Fortitude when he was 13 years old. David was a model cadet, winning the trophy for Sea Cadet of The Year every year until he joined up when he was 16 years old on the 8th June 1976.

When he left the Sea Cadets and the Royal Navy he had just been made up to Petty Officer.

His first ship was H.M.S. Fearless, then he was on The Ark Royal in 1978. His brother was also on the ship. His last ship was H.M.S. Fearless.

David joined the Royal Navy on 8th June 1976 and was killed in the Falklands on the 8th June 1982.

David in tropical uniform


David’s Auntie Marion

My nephew David was a very lovable person and he is sadly missed but there are family and friends looking after him. God Bless David.

LMEM (M)Simon Bloomfield HMS Antelope

I would like to give you some information about Dusty Miller. I served with Dusty on HMS Ark Royal. He was the stoker on the Fearless landing craft and he was killed when it was bombed. That landing craft came alongside the Antelope when we were bombed and rescued us, along with the rest of the crew they put themselves in danger to get us off. Once we were on HMS Fearless, Dusty made sure another ex-shipmate and I were ok and gave us more clothing as we only had the overalls we were dressed in, he also gave us some cash to keep us going. It was with extreme shock that while I was on survivors leave I learnt of not only his death but the rest of the landing craft’s crew, and that moment I read it in the Daily Mail will live with me for the rest of my life. Long may he rest in peace, and I will never forget how he looked after both MEM Phil Philips and me.

Family and friends are encouraged to contribute.

We will add information to this memorial as we receive it.

If you have a photo, an anecdote, or simply to say you remember him, we will be very pleased to hear from you, so please contact the sama office at 

In 2022, as part of the 40th Anniversary commemorations, geographical features were identified and named after the fallen of 1982.   MILLER ISLET is a tussac island lying east of Big Samuel Island, in Choiseul Sound.  Previously referred to as Big Samuel East islet.

It is in position
51° 56′ 28.60″ S, 058° 38′ 09.27″ W