Dedicated to the memory of:

Seaman (Missile)

Matthew James Stuart

HMS Argonaut

Matthew. from Bredon, Worcestershire was born on the 21st May 1964.

He died when HMS Argonaut was bombed in Falkland Sound on 21st May 1982 (Matthew’s 18th birthday). 


Fred (Gravity Graham) Horabin

At the time of the Falklands, Matt was working for me as a ‘WE Seaman’, and on the fateful day of 21st May, as the Maintainer of the Seacat system (Weapons Engineering Mechanician 2). I was the last person to see him alive – when I closed the hatch to the forward Seacat magazine. What I have found hard to accept over the years, is that it was his 18th birthday, and he never got to enjoy it. That apart he was a helpful, and considerate young man – with a strong sense of humour. As one example – while at Portland, for Staff Sea checks prior to deploying, we had been testing missiles, and I told him it was ‘Standeasy’ at which point he walked out of the Ready-use Mag and proceeded to lock me in – only to return with a cup of coffee for me. I think he wanted to make sure we finished early …. It still gets to me even now.


Patrick Mathiot

“Stu” and I went through gunnery training together, we were in the same class and passed out together, I only really knew him for a matter of months, but as any serviceman will tell you the bond of basic training is lifelong. My thoughts to his family, we will all miss his soul ….


This photograph of Matthew was taken on board HMS ARGONAUT just prior to the 21st May, the day Matthew was killed on his 18th birthday. I believe this was the last photograph taken of him.

Nick Brotherton; fellow shipmate.

Garden of Remembrance Matthew Stuart HMS Argonaut



My name is David Cork & served in the Royal Navy from Sept 82 to Nov 89. 

I was in the first class to pass out after the Falkland’s conflict, having been closed for several months whilst the conflict was in operation.

On completion of training, our instructor informed the class that I was to be awarded a special prize for showing “ The greatest endeavour throughout training “.

This honour & award was unknown to me at this time until our instructor informed us of the sad story of Matthew Stuart. I also wanted to know more about Matthew, & discovered that Matthew had won the same award during his basic training some two years previous. As this was the first passing out after the Falklands conflict, & to honour Matthews memory, this trophy was renamed “ The Stuarts Cup “.
Today, some 40 years after the conflict, never will I forget how proud I am in receiving this award, presented to me by Matthews parents along with his sister. I cherish the photo’s that I have of that day & all my family/friends & work colleagues have shared many moments of joy & sadness in telling Matthews story.

My memories of that day & my treasured photo’s will stay with me forever, & I will always honour & remember Matthew, saluting his bravery & courage during the conflict.

Remembrance Sunday in my house is Matthew day, & has been every year for the last 40 years. I’ve been to the cenotaph and paid my respect to all those who gave there life for the good of others.

Although unfortunately I never had the pleasure in serving with Matthew, but he will always be a big part to me & families life, & will never be forgotten.

I just wanted to express my gratitude & thoughts at this most sensitive time.

Dave Cork



I was at Raleigh with Matt. The picture shows him back left, then Craig McDermott and me. Prior to acting as guard on passing out we were practicing in full uniform. Matt had the best bulled boots. During a stand down period we were mucking about and he grabbed me from behind – I instinctively stamped back on his foot destroying his boots – I was immediately mortified! It took him about 5 minutes to get over it! I remember him every year and used to pass messages between myself and Craig. Sadly Craig crossed the bar today 11/11/2022. RIP buddies.

P. Jeacock


Family and friends are encouraged to contribute.

We will add information to this memorial as we receive it.

If you have a photo, an anecdote, or simply to say you remember him, we will be very pleased to hear from you, so please contact the sama office at [email protected] 


In 2022, as part of the 40th Anniversary commemorations, geographical features were identified and named after the fallen of 1982.   STUART COVE is a sandy cove at the northwest end of Fanning Harbour, in San Carlos Waters, East Falkland.

It is in position
51° 28′ 11.65″ S, 059° 06′ 17.06″ W