Marine Engineering Mechanic (Mechanical)
HMS Ardent
Family and friends are encouraged to contribute.
We will add information to this memorial as we receive it.
If you have a photo, an anecdote, or simply to say you remember him, we will be very pleased to hear from you, so please contact the SAMA82 office at [email protected]
In 2022, as part of the 40th Anniversary commemorations, geographical features were identified and named after the fallen of 1982. WILLIAMS HILL has a 380 foot elevation and is located in Diamond Corner Camp.
It is in position
51° 50′ 36.62″ S, 060° 02′ 41.93″ W
Office opening hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 10am to 1pm
South Atlantic Medal Association 1982
Unit 25 Torfaen Business Centre
Panteg Way
New Inn
Registered Charity Number: 1118842
Registered Company Number: 06113679