Captain Mike Booth passed away, aged 70, in January 2020. Mike served as CO of 847 NAS.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew him.
The Times Obituary to Captain Booth RN:
Steven Boden, passed away in January 2020, aged 64.
Steven served in 848 Sqn D Flight.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Steven at this difficult time.
Christopher Blight passed away on 6th January 2020.
Chris served as Lt Cdr on board RFA Regent & Flight Commander of 848 “A” Flight Sqaudron.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Chris at this difficult time.
Col David Benest MBE OBE, passed away suddenly in August 2020. David served as Captain with 2 PARA in 1982 before becoming a Colonel. Our thoughts are with everyone who knew David.
Tim Binstead served as AB(R) on board HMS Hermes during the 1982 Falkland’s Conflict.
He passed away in 2020.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.
Gary Beck succumbed to COVID-19 on 29.12.2020.
Gary served as WEM(O) on board HMS Alacrity during the conflict.
He was a big supporter of SAMA (82) and will be missed by all.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this extremely difficult time.
Robert “Dickie” Bird passed away on 26.12.2020 from COVID-19.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.
Trevor Browning lived on the Islands during the conflict and assisted with night time civilian patrols and delivering supplies to troops.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Trevor.
John “Rusty” Chrome passed away on 3rd February 2020. Rusty served a Chief Stoker on HMS Avenger in 1982. He passed away peacefully in a nursing home in Brixham. Our thoughts are with everyone who knew him
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Lee at this time.
Vice Admiral Sir John Coward passed away in late Spring 2020. He served as Captain onboard HMS Brilliant during the conflict.
Our thoughts are with his family and everyone who knew him at this difficult time.
Mr John Callus, the father of Paul B Callus, who was killed in action on 25th May 1982, HMS Coventry) has passed away.
John joined SAMA (82) as a Special member in 2001.
Our thoughts are with the Johns’ wife and family at this sad time.
Fred Crisp served on board HMS Glamorgan in 1982.
He passed away on 20.12.2020 shortly after celebrating his 80th Birthday.
Our thoughts are with Fred’s family and friends at this difficult time.
Steve Cook passed away on 15th April 2020 from COVID-19. Steve served onboard HMS Cardiff. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.
We are very saddened to hear the news that Malcolm Dennis has passed away.
Malcom served on board HMS Conqueror.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knows Malcolm at this sad time.
Matthew Fenwick served as OC with 4Pl, 91 Ord Coy, RAOC during the conflict.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew him at this time.
It is with sadness that I announce the passing of a great friend, a Welshmen a Cardiffian and a member of the Class of 82. Stuart lost his four year battle with cancer he will be missed by many.
Rest in Peace old friend.
Chief Petty Officer Stuart John Goodall B.E.M, D056111N, SMR of 845 Wessex Squadron.
Embarked RFA Resource. Initially disembarked from San Carlos Water (Bomb Alley) and later to Port San Carlos.
D.O.B 25-07-1944 – D.O.D 23-04-2020
Richard sadly passed away with Cancer on 4th May 2020. Richard served as an LMEM(M) onboard HMS Invincible but left the RN as an CMEA(ML) in 2000.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Richard.
We are very saddened to hear the news that Bob Huish passed away from COVID-19.
Bob served as LMEM onboard HMS Glamorgan in 1982.
Our thoughts are with his daughter and friends at this difficult time.
Colonel George “Tony” Holt passed away in August 2020.
Tony served as the CO of 4th Regt RA.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Tony at this difficult time.
Michael Ingham, passed away in February 2020, adged 74. He served on board HMS Andromeda in 1982.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Michael at this difficult time.
John Jones passed away in June 2020. He served as a CPO on board HMS Intrepid.
Our thoughts are with his family and everyone who knew him at this time.
Col Freddie Kemp OBE passed away in September 2020 following a long illness.
Freddie served as Captain with 9 Para Regt Royal Engineers in 1982.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.
Graeme Lowden passed away on 2nd February 2020, aged 67.
Graeme served as POWEM(R) on board HMS Alacrity He was awarded the Queens Commendation for Brave Conduct for his rapid actions in 1982 for assisting with the rescue operation of those on board Atlantic Conveyor in the immediate aftermath of being struck by missiles.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Graeme.
Francis “Frank” Murphy passed away on 29th January 2020, aged 64. Frank served in 3 PARA. Our thoughts are with Franks’ family & friends at this difficult time.
Cdr RN John McLellan passed away on 7th January 2020.
John served as 1st Lt Cdr on board HMS Intrepid.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew John at this difficult time.
Colin Mitchell passed away on 29th August 2020 after a long illness.
Colin served as MEM(M) on board HMS Glamorgan in 1982.
Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.
Hugh O’Donnell passed away in early 2020, aged 77. Hugh served as a Signalman on board RFA Olwen with the RFA.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Hugh at this difficult time.
Mrs J Osborne passed away in July 2020. She is the mother of CK D Osborne, HMS Sheffield, who was KIA on 4th May 1982. For 33 years she fought bureaucracy to have her son remembered on the war memorial in Old Colwyn, North Wales, and feared that she would pass before this was achieved. She joined forces with the Type 42 Association and on the 8th May 2016 they achieved their goal and Mrs Osborne led a parade in the town to “officially” unveil his name on the memorial, with many of David’s family, friends and comrades present. Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Joyce.
David Pratt passed away in October 2020 after a short illness.
David served in the AAC.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew David at this time.
Tony passed away in August 2020. He served as a PTE with 16 Field Ambulance.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Tony at this difficult time.
Steve Rowe passed away in October 2020 with COVID-19.
Steve served on board HMS Alacrity during the Falklands.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew him at this difficult time.
Julian Stobbs served on board HMS Penelope during the conflict and assisted the Lynx aircrew.
He was tragically shot and killed at his home in Johannesburg on July 3rd 2020 along with his partner.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew them.
Peter Snelson has recently passed away (Summer 2020).
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Peter at this difficult time.
James Smith served on board OS IRIS during the conflict which served as a dispatch ship. Our thoughts are with everyone who knew James at this time.
Raymond Stuart, father of Matthew Stuart, HMS Argonaut, who was killed in action in May 1982, has passed away from terminal cancer.
Our thoughts are with his wife Janet and everyone who knew Raymond at this time.
Ernest Sheppard passed away peacefully in his sleep on 24th October 2020.
He served in the Air Defence Troop Royal Marines.
Our thoughts are with family and friends at this difficult time.
Eric “Dusty” Smith passed away in December 2020 after a long illness.
Dusty served with 2nd Battalion Scots Guards in 1982.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Dusty at this time.
David Steward passed away in 2020. David served on board HMS Hermes as RO2(G).
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew David at this time.
Tommy Tomlin passed away in October 2020 after a bravely fought battle with lung cancer.
Tommy served as a Marine with K Company 42 Commandos during the conflict.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Tommy at this difficult time.
Major Tommy Turtle passed away on 29.12.2020.
Tommy served as Corporal with D SQN 22SAS.
Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Tommy at this difficult time.
Brain Wines MBE passed away on 29th May 2020, aged 80. Brian served as WOMEA(H) on board HMS Hermes. Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Brian at this difficult time.
Office opening hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 10am to 1pm
South Atlantic Medal Association 1982
Unit 25 Torfaen Business Centre
Panteg Way
New Inn
Registered Charity Number: 1118842
Registered Company Number: 06113679