Book of Condolence

WILSON, William

Corporal William Wilson passed away in October 2022. Cpl Wilson served with 10 Field Reg Ord – RAOC during the conflict and sailed “Down South” on board St Edmunds. Our thoughts are with everyone who knows William at this time.…

WATSON, William

William “Bill” Watson passed away in early 2022. He served on board HMS Hermes in 1982. Our thoughts are with his family & friends at this difficult time.…


David Tilley passed away on 11th August 2022 from Bowel Cancer.
David served as A/MEA 2 on board HMS Intrepid during the 1982 conflict. Our thoughts are with David’s family and friends at this time.…


Roy Stanbrook who served as Second Officer on board RFA Sir Galahad during the 1982 conflict, passed away in July 2022. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.…


CMEM John Sherwood who served on board HMS Plymouth, passed away on 12th March 2022. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.…


Peter Richardson served on board HMS Coventry during the 1982 conflict. Peter passed away in July 2022. Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Peter at this difficult time.…

RYAN, Michael

Major Michael Ryan passed away on 27th March 2022.

Michael served in the Parachute regiment during the conflict. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.…


Owen Quillan served on board HMS Glamorgan during the conflict. Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this difficult time.…


Albert Pearson served on board HMS Exeter during the Conflict as CPO MEA(P). Albert passed away in October 2022. Our thoughts are with everyone who knew him at this difficult time.…


Roy Paddinson passed away in February 2022 surrounded by his family. Roy served on board Canberra during the conflict. Our thoughts are with everyone who knew Roy at this difficult time.…