Co-Founders Memorial Benches

SAMA (82) would like to procure and then locate in the Falkland Islands, two memorial benches in memory of our Co-Founders.

Rick Jolly OBE and Denzil Connick BEM

The yearlong project timescale is until October 2024, the production will then follow and the proposed shipment to Falkland Islands in early 2025, with the laying and dedication arrangements to be announced later.

Your donation (single or multiple) can made to the:

SAMA (82) Number Two Account

Sort Code: 40-40-04

Account Number: 01514660

For ease of the identification of your donations please use

FI Benches as a reference and we also kindly ask that you round off the amount with the odd few pence ranging from 01 to 09 pence.

This ensures that your donation is easily identified in the accounts as a donation to this particular fund.

Many thanks in advance for your support.

Tom Herring
Chair of Trustees, SAMA (82)