Dedicated to the memory of:

Lance Corporal

Budhaparsad Limbu

1/7 Gurkha Rifles

Budhaparsad Limbu was born in the village of Sakhewa in the eastern hills of Nepal on 25 October 1958.

He enlisted as a recruit into the Brigade of Gurkhas in 1976 and was sworn in as a Rifleman in the Seventh Duke of Edinburgh’s Own Gurkha Rifles on 16 August 1977. His higher than normal educational record meant that he was destined for a career in the Signal Platoon where he made steady progress achieving his Standard Class II Regimental Signallers qualification, and promotion to Lance Corporal.

On the 24 June 1982 Lance Corporal Limbu was ordered, along with members of his adopted Rifle Company (D Company) to fill in the Argentine trenches surrounding Goose Green. Whilst working on earthworks his spade struck what was believed to be an unexploded British grenade. The resultant explosion killed him instantly.

At 23 years of age and after service totalling 5 years and 241 days in Hong Kong, Brunei, the UK, Belize and the Falkland Islands, Lance Corporal Budhaparsad Limbu was buried with full military honours in the civilian cemetery outside the village of Goose Green. The inhabitants of Goose Green felt that he had died for them and would have honoured his grave as a permanent reminder of his sacrifice to future generations of villagers, but his father, as was his right, asked for the body to be removed from the Falkland Islands and re-interred in the Aldershot Military Cemetery. His second graveside service took place on 18 March 1983. He was unmarried.

He was the only fatality suffered by the Regiment during the war, and his South Atlantic Medal was issued to his father: 21146803 WO1 Deoman Limbu, ex 1/7 Gurkha Rifles. His grave number is C61A.


Family and friends are encouraged to contribute.

We will add information to this memorial as we receive it.

If you have a photo, an anecdote, or simply to say you remember him, we will be very pleased to hear from you, so please contact the sama office at [email protected] 


In 2022, as part of the 40th Anniversary commemorations, geographical features were identified and named after the fallen of 1982.   LIMBU POINT is situated at the north entrance to Chaffers Gullet, on the West Falkland side of Falkland Sound.

It is in position
52° 09′ 35.02″ S, 060° 21′ 19.56″ W